Mauritanians themselves report about the activity of ‘Silent Work’

logo_sw_homeA Mauritanian newspaper published an article about some of our projects. Watch the travel stories.
In this article Silent Work is really ‘Silent’: it is not mentionned once. They experience the projects as theirs, the village owns it.
And finally is  this our goal: to develop and stimulate the projects, we initiate and create, by the villagers themselves. They own them. They achieve what is important for them. Demba – and me being his spouse- is a member of the community, someone who feels responsible and stands for for the development of his people and region. Other Mauritanians look at him with astonishment. Of course everyone knows that donors from the Netherlands finance the projects. However, this is experienced as a tool one receives to realize a wonderful, good and solid project. There is no direct expression of gratitude, but there is a tremendous effort and investment of activity, despite all problems, to make it work and succesfull. Isn’t that far more important than “with gratitude to”….projected on projects, who will defeat after a few years…?